Monday, January 19, 2015

I'm Baaaaaaack!!!

Wow!! It has been a long time since I last posted...5 YEARS!!!! Well..... a lot has happened of course. I got married and became a Military Wife, had a beautiful baby boy (My Blue Eyes Blues)who is now 1 year and 19 months!! My hair color changes, and moved to a new home. Gosh all that took 5 years??? I swear it feels like I just woke up from a Coma, the only thing I still have that has not changed are my got damn Braces!!! but only a few more months and they are outta hea. Anyways, I hope I can continue sharing my non important life with y'all. Anything you guys want to see just leave me a comment! Talk to you soon!

Sunday, December 26, 2010


Here are a few Christmas pix with the Family. It was a small family only get together which was nice. I was very comfy and there was no need to dress up =)

The Little Bro and Me (well little in age as you can see he is TALL!! =D)

La Familia <3

 My Bros, and Sis!