Sunday, December 26, 2010


Here are a few Christmas pix with the Family. It was a small family only get together which was nice. I was very comfy and there was no need to dress up =)

The Little Bro and Me (well little in age as you can see he is TALL!! =D)

La Familia <3

 My Bros, and Sis!


  1. Hi there I'm Ruthie. You left a comment on my channel ItsRuthieDoll telling me that you're going to join the Marines remember? Well all I can tell you is good luck to you. Being in the military is very hard, I have two little girls, and my husband is also in the service so you can imagine how hard it is... But oh well, the things we do for our family right? I'm gonna follow your blog, visit mine and follow if you like :-)


  2. p.s. - I just added the Follow button to my blog, sorry I forgot to tell you lol... thanks for replying to my comment you're a sweetheart.

    De donde eres? Yo soy Puerto Rican :D
